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Showing posts from January, 2010

babies in Utah...

My Sister in Love, has started a photography business, and she takes the cutest pictures!! If you happen to live in Utah, and need new baby photos... check out her site. Marlina Gilbert Photography . She's running a baby special until the end of March.

yummy Spinach and Strawberry Salad...

Sorry no pictures, every time we make this, I eat it all up!!! I forget to shoot a picture before. Sorry too many things to remember at meal times!! Strawberries, we usually use 2 cartons FRESH only Red onion, we usually use one, and slice thin Spinach, ofcourse organic. NEVER eat non organic lettuces.... seriously your leafy greens suck up all the water and things around them... all greens need to be organic. Slice strawberries, we like them sliced vertical {long ways} Slice onion and wash spinach. Now for the best dressing ever! 4 T honey 2T oil, we use to use olive oil, but are now in love with grapeseed. 2T rice vinegar 3T balsamic vinegar 1t poppy seeds, Papa Bear dislikes poppy seeds, so we leave them out when he's home. Mix, stir, whisk or shake!! drizzle over salad when you are ready to eat, not early. Then toss. this dressing doesn't seem like a lot, but it is. The last of our salad is dripping in it. So if you are making a smaller salad, maybe you should cut it all in...

Winter/Seasons/Snowflake Bentley Unit

I am preparing, gathering and getting ready to begin {again} our unit with the littler A's about Seasons/Winter/Snowflake Bentley and Balto! I haven't gotten anything yet on Balto, he's later into our unit, so I am not there yet!! We started it the day I purchased it, I was so excited to do it!!! However I decided I better take a few moments and plan what we will be doing!!! SLOW DOWN!! I just wanted to put a few links here I have found. Since I believe in giving credit, where credit is due.... I will link you directly to the posts I stole, or I mean took my ideas from! {someone help, I forgot how to cross out words on my blog??!!??} I started with this, Download and Go Winter Wonders We are planning on extending these to the max!! Some days, might go 2-3 days, some might go a week or more. Alot will depend on the kids, and my ability! Then I found some more fun ideas Spell Out Loud, is doing the same download and go activities, and she has some wonderful links, mostly for...

beans, beans, wonderful beans!

I just love reading this blog, Kate's Kitchen . She also has a wonderful homeschool website, see my sidebar Milestone Academy. I use, and have recommended everyone get the principle pantry, it comes from this wonderful lady! If you like beans. Or if you want to learn more about them, and how to cook them. Check out her post on how to soak and cook beans .

recipe~ Yummy Healthy Peanut Butter Cookies

This is an old post from my family private blog... sorry if you have seen this before! Made YUMMY HEALTHY PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES! This recipe comes from the Amazing Wheat Book by LeArta Moulton ( It's a great book, we use it all the time) !!!!With a few updates, and variations at the bottom!!!! 1/2 C veggie oil (we use olive or grapeseed) 1 C Honey (we use 1/2 ish cup honey, and 1/2 ish cup raw cane sugar if you use only honey, they taste great, but don't hold a shape) 1/2 C peanut butter 1 egg, beaten 1 T. sour cream 1 tsp. bkg soda 1 1/2 C whole wheat flour cream oil and honey/sugar. Add peanut butter, egg and mix well. Add sour cream, soda, and flour and beat well. Form into balls, (sometimes we roll them in additional cane sugar!!) about the size of a larger bouncy ball (she said marble, but we like them alittle bigger) place on greased cookie sheet. Press with a fork. Bake at 350 for 10 mins. Don't overcook, or they are nasty! We ALWAYS atleast double this, they are so ...

recipe Egg-y Rice!

This is an old post, from my personal family blog... if you happen to read it, then sorry for the repeat. I made this for dinner, and it turned out very nicely, so I thought I might share! {Oh and it was quite easy} Start with cooking your rice {or if you have leftovers use them} I used brown rice While your rice is cooking prepare veggies! I used zucchini, mushrooms, onions, yellow pepper, and garlic. I sauteed the veggies in a tiny bit of grapeseed oil (which you could easily omit, because I ended up with extra juice at the end) Once the rice is finished, add 1-2 eggs. (I added 2, I like extra egg-y rice) is egg-y a word?? I turned off the heat, and put the lid on the rice. I stirred it a few times. Once the egg is cooked, add to the veggies Ta-Da!! Yum, Yum!!! Oh and did I mention, quite healthy!

Sugar, oh sugar!!!

okay so as i have stated, we don't eat sugar. This being said, we do eat natural cane {also known as turbinado} sugar, honey, stevia and agava. I do try to limit this. I figure to some degree sugar is sugar, and not good, even in it's natural state. I don't want to get into a "sugar fight" with anyone! So all I am going to say, is it's quite common knowledge that sugar isn't good for you. I am a sugar lover! Always have been, I'm sure. I have a very, very, very sweet tooth. Sugar was hard for me to give up. Which is why I am so thankful for so many natural sweeteners! The reason we stopped, was knowledge, we started studying sugar, and learning about it, and we had to stop. As for our family, we had to give it up all or nothing, we are a cold turkey kind of family!!! We have tried to give up sugar, oh I don't know around 100 times!!! This time it finally stuck. The more I read, the more I study the more I am so thankful for that decision. So how di...

It is well with my soul

you know your an organizer junkie when...

you walk into a store, and see all the new organizing tools, products, bins and buckets, pails and drawers.... and you start feeling all giddy inside. Yes, GIDDY. Like a child in the toy aisle... {pictures from the Container Store , did you know there was such an online store?}

Simple Memorization File Box....

I read this idea a few months ago, and well one thing lead to another, and I am finally getting around to doing it! You know the ever growing to do list, just never seems to get to do-ed!! For years now, actually the entire time we have been homeschooling, we have memorized. We started simple with scriptures and then slowly added quotes, then hymns and songs, and more and more. Currently we are memorizing; Weekly: one Poem {usually one week is all we use on a poem, though it depends on the length and how well we really practiced it} one Scripture, one quote, one educational item {again, usually one week, sometimes more when needed} Songs {one Hymn, one Childrens Hymn, one Educational Song, one Patriotic/American history type song, and usually one Seasonal or just for fun song} Monthly:one Historical Document. along with a new history facts memorization we will be throwing in. I never really needed this with A1, he tends to be a fact magnet, or maybe that should say a fact sponge! He lo...

and that's why we don't eat sugar.....