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Showing posts from July, 2010

Virtues upcoming year.... 6th grade....

Along with our family studies, Virtue will be completing the following as her independent studies. Let me just say, it was a struggle teaching Virtue in the beginning. She doesn't learn, at all like Noble, and well Noble learns in "MY" style. I have had to change a lot of "MY" thinking when it comes to Virtue. This is not saying she is not as smart, or not as talented. She definitely has her strong points, as do all kids. For a long time I pushed her to do what I wanted, and forced her to work her way through different curriculum.... only to push her to a point she was over loaded and bogged down. It has taken some time for me to figure out what works for her, and even then sometimes I choose something, she isn't untested in! If you have ever had a child who didn't learn in the typical learning style. You really should look into Right Brain Learners... this is what finally made learning click with Virtue! This is a link to Dianne Craft , this is the fir...

How do I keep it all straight?........

Here is a look at Nobles IS sheet . Not all his IS subjects are included, there are a few I will add later. There are a few subjects I mentioned, but don't know how often he will complete them. This will give a general idea of how I keep it all {somewhat} straight! Notice they also turn in their planners every day 5 {typically Fridays} so I can look it over and make sure everything was completed. Along with that they must show it to me daily, before I okay them to be done with school. If I noticed they didn't complete much, or as much as I would have liked. I will make suggestions, but I only suggest. The only time I require is on Day 5, the whole sheet must be finished... no exceptions. All the kids have had weeks where they have "learned it the hard way" but that's how it goes, sometimes.

Nobles upcoming year.... 8th grade

WOW 8th grade... now that's scary!!! along with our family time studies Noble will be doing the following, mostly independently. I am uncertain if he will participate in all our family time studies, the decision will be made by how much time he needs for his independent school work. He will definitely join us in Music Appreciation, Art Studies, Read Alouds, Family Scripture Studies, Nature Studies, PE, Music, and Morning Calendar Time, History read alouds. History Notebooks and projects, Science and Geography are uncertain. It will probably depend on his interest! PERSONAL SCRIPTURE STUDY AND JOURNALING~ Every morning the kids read at least one chapter in their scriptures... whatever book they are currently studying. They choose either one scripture from the chapter to copy, or can summarize the chapter or story they are reading. Along with that, they write in their journals, keeping their history. I do not read these, but they do show them to me once a week and I just skim over wh...

Family Time Curriculum......

I am an organizer, planner and maybe over achiever! {No I didn't say that, that was Papa Bear jumping in!!! HEE, HEE} I have started this post a few times, and it always became so LONG, and overwhelming!! I decided to break it down into Family Time, and then the children individually, or as they will be doing things together. Family Time Family Scripture Stud y~ every morning with Papa Bear. We simply read through at least 1 chapter of scriptures. We are currently in the Old Testament. Once finished, we will have read the entire set of scriptures as a family!! Then we will start all over again! Music ~ we sing the same songs, and hymns the entire week. Making them more familiar to us. I try to find ones we don't know, or don't know as well. I choose one from the LDS Hymnal, one from the LDS Children's song book, one educational, one patriotic, and sometimes throw in one seasonal or fun song too. I am also hoping to continue the recorder lessons we started at the begin...

Healthy on a budget, Homemade Laundry Soap.....

In case you haven't notice, there are MANY people talking about their budgets lately. The economy, the price of everything, and how they will ever survive. Trust me, we have felt it too, being a family of almost 10.... it hurts! So I have decided to share a few tips and tricks that keep this houseful afloat! Homemade Laundry Detergent This really is easy! I was in the middle of washing, Mt. Washmore yesterday... and ran out of our first round of homemade soap. What did I do??? I made more!! I loaded the washer, started it with the last of what I had, and then made more within maybe 15-20 minutes. The kids always get a kick out of making our own laundry soap! There's something "fun" to a kid, about it. It's so easy, I usually have a few helpers. UPDATED~ 2 Cups of baking soda {see update below} 2 bars of Kirks Castile soap OR Fels Naptha Soap bars 2 cups of washing soda 2 cups of borax {all of which I have found at our local grocery stores... interesting, you use t...

free download, cookbook.....

Molly Green FRESH!!!! Cookbook download . This looks like a great recipe book, and it has some great tips, throughout the pages. Here's a small treat of what you will get. Bring smiles to your gang and guests with some of these palate-pleasing goodies: •Mango Lime Sorbet—fresh is best and nutritious too. •Something-Special Lemonade—with watermelon ice cubes. •Grilled Fruit Shish Kebabs With Chocolate Sauce—a perfect party idea! •Fresh Lemonade Popsicles—a fun-in-the-sun special treat. •Fruit Smoothie—suit yourself with variation ideas. •Yogurt, Fruit, & Granola Parfaits—fun to make and eat Go get yours free, here!

Hobby Lobby... you get my craft bucks!......

last year is the first year I saw these ads Hobby Lobby {the ultimate craft store} puts out in local newspapers for Independence Day. They run a full page add {take about some serious bucks} all about the Constitution, patriotism, and God and our country! The above picture was for the 2010 Independence day. If you go to this website, Hobby Lobby Holiday Messages, you can see all of the ads they have done, along with downloading them. I have a feeling we will be adding a few of these to our decor, especially in Noble's room. He loves all things Constitutional!! I had no idea they also had Christmas and Easter ones too! They all have a Christian/Godly appeal to them. I figure if Hobby Lobby can spend their money on such a wonderful {and I am sure over looked} item. That is so important and giving.... well then I will definitely support them. They are "throwing out" their hard earned cash, for a wonderful cause, and they deserve our support!!

happy Independence Day......

Have you read the Declaration of Independence? If not I challenge you to do it! Not just read it, but learn it, ponder it, pray about it, and understand it. This is real His-Story... it is what has made us free.... and yet where is our freedom? We should learn, not just what was said, but who said it. These are the true hero's our children need. Why are we so excited that our children love the princesses, or the new toy story characters.... and yet do they even know why we celebrate Independence Day? We asked the older A's, and I was surprised how much they didn't know! How much they never connected... we have studied and learned about it, but they never connected it. Except NOBLE who tends to love His-story. Once NOBLE said the correct answer the others followed right behind. There was just never that connection. This is one of the most important holidays, in my opinion. It's a time to bring the history of America, alive and "real" for you and your children. ...

labels drop down.....

Just cleaning up the mess on the blog.... sometimes I feel like that's all I do, clean up messes!!!! If you have always wanted to make your labels into a drop down, here's the link to what I used. I scrolled down to the second code, so I could have the numbers behind my labels. I didn't actually edit it, in size or wording.... thought it looked fine as was. Hope this helps someone out!!!

Pre-primer Sight Words and games.....

I came across this super cute Noah's Ark Bingo to go with pre-primer Dolch Sight Words. I made some simple cards of the list. There are other levels, to go with the Dolch Words too.