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Showing posts from January, 2011

so what have you been up to?

ME!??? NOT MUCH! A little of this....... A little of that...... and a LOT of this...... Yes we are moving, not our blog, just our house! Do you know how much work it is to pack up a houseful???? Will be back soon! and hopefully with a LOT more of this......

It seems everywhere I go, I hear.....

You have such good kids! Your children are so well behaved! I might be at a family gathering, the grocery store, a home school activity, a field trip..... anywhere really. I hear this often, and it got me pondering about it. I thought I'd throw out my two cents on parenting. First off I MUST say that I do not live in a wonderful, blissful, always happy home. We have our trials, our bad days, and well those days when Mama Bear wants to just slip off to bed, and forget the day ever started. The problem with slipping away, is that you are just running from the problem. It will never get better, if it's never fixed. I can solve all your {and my own} problems in one simple word, CONSISTANCY. I don't care if you are a spanker, a time-out parent, a job or chore for discipline you name it and there's probably a discipline book written all about how to do it! I don't honestly feel it matters how you discipline, just that you do, and that you are consistant. I've read a f...