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Showing posts from November, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving


Winter Homeschool Conference in Utah

Announcing the upcoming WINTER HOMESCHOOL CONFERENCE  in Utah! Saturday, January 25th, 2014 and a Family Ball for all ages  One of my good friends is hosting this, she's amazing. I've attended a few of her awesome events. Check out her blog to see some of her great retreats, conferences and events, it's called  hope haven events . She does a great job, and we look forward to attending more in the future. Oh and you might even see someone familiar speaking, yes your truly! I posted about this earlier, but her website changed, so this is an update link!

Free Download: Thoughts for young men. Raising Godly Men.

I just saw this post about raising godly men.   This is something our world is lacking boys being raised to be righteous men. It is difficult to find encouraging books on this very subject. Here's a link for a  free download of this book I haven't actually read this, yet. However it looks amazing! I've read a few others from the same author.  Enjoy, and remember to train your boys to be real men!  

It just comes natural.........

given that it can be natural. It's all in the environment. Do you give your children the ability to do what is natural to them? To be what they need to be? For boys to become men, and girls to become women. For boys to become Dad's and girls to become Mother's? These are natural roles, and if they are given time, and instincts to use those natural talents..... then they will grow, they will flourish, they will become all they were meant to be.  I am talking about the fact that  little boys naturally want to become men. From the youngest age, if you are raising boys to become real men, then that's what they want. I have watched all my boys start to get older and then want to be mommies little man! I love seeing that, that look of amazement, and accomplishment in their eyes. You see recently Papa Bear and Noble have been gone alot, did I say a lot, I meant ALOT! When Papa Bear left the first time, he turned to Valiant and said, can you be the man of the house? The ...