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Showing posts from December, 2013

From our Family to yours......

Merry Christmas!

Why most Families have 2 children.....

Here's a link to another blog,   why most families have 2 children . I love her perspective on it. The fact that she takes her story and makes it real. I personally felt that feeling of overwhelmed at three. I wasn't one of those mom's who felt I had to do everything for my children as she said. I enjoyed my children, but really didn't believe in that thought of spoiling a child, to the extreme that the world tends to do. I always thought it as...well... spoiling!  I wasn't raised in a large family, however my mom did babysit in our home when I was younger. There were times when we were, a FULL HOUSE! My mom taught me through her example of training and running such a large amount of children. I did help with some of them, especially when she had a lot of babies and toddlers at one time. This was before all the daycare laws they have in place now. It's unbelievable how the laws lead to this spoiling! We never had a problem, and I believe ...

UTAH Winter Family Ball

Remember  the winter homeschool conference I told you about?  If you haven't registered yet, you need to jump over to their website, and do it now!!! Here's a fun announcement for the Winter Family Ball which will be after the conference. What more could you ask for? Fun, enlightenment, Inspiration, adult conversations, and yes even a Ball AKA Exercise!!!!!!!   (Click on the announcement and then it will be easier to read!)  This is just what a Homeschool Mom needs especially come January, and those winter time blues start coming around.

Family Math, hands on math for the whole family

Family Math With over 300 pages of lively activities, the classic FAMILY MATH book represents one of the greatest strides taken to involve parents in the mathematics education of their children. Using easy instructions and simple objects such as beans, blocks, pennies, buttons, and string, parents and kids solve problems together. FAMILY MATH is a rich resource including number and estimation, logical thinking, probability and statistics, geometry, measurement, and calculators. The stimulating games, puzzles, and projects entice kids in playful ways to master math concepts.  For families with children five to twelve years old. Grades K-8.    This is an amazing hands on Math book, with fun games for many ages!  

Family Movie Night, it's educational and entertaining.......

We watched The Hiding Place over the weekend. I was surprised at how this movie took such a difficult subject, and made it family friendly. The movie is about the Ten Boon Family . Such an amazing story of Faith, Love and Long suffering. This is definitely one for our family library!