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Showing posts from September, 2015

Spreading my ideas!

I am somewhat new to all this, but I am going to start a facebook page, for my blog!  homeschooling-a-houseful is now on facebook! I am sure I'll have a learning curve with all this! So be patient!!!!

Independent Studies~ My LIFESAVER of Homeschool

(Post that has been long awaited by some who attended a class I recently gave! So Sorry for my delay!) Common Question: How do you homeschool so many? And amidst babies, and toddlers? Pregnancies and moves? Chaos and yes even in the calm of the storm!? How do you keep up? How do you know what's going on? How do your children know what to do? Without you constantly nagging them! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! Yep, little nagging involved (don't include the younger batch!!!)   INTRODUCING MY LIFESAVER OF HOMESCHOOL!!!!! OUR ACCOUNTABILITY SHEETS, or AKA INDEPENDENT STUDIES SHEETS! (I personally prefer to call them accountability sheets, but somehow they always get called I.S.)    I can not figure out how to attach a file. SO, you will need to recreate this. Trust me it's not difficult, as I am not a computer person or even very great at graphics (as you can see!) I do want to emphasize that this must be personalized to each family, and child. It must meet how...

Mystery of History....

So this year we were SUPER BUSY/CRAZY this summer, I helped organize a few too many, large homeschool events!! I never did get our family school lessons organized! So we will be a little slow to start some of our family lessons, but at least we have our regular individual lessons started! Anyways, I'm planning on trying out the Mystery of History this year, MOH. I just found the BEST blog that offers free printables to go along with the MOH, and thought I'd share!! It's called, My Homeschool Printables . I LOVE when homeschool families use their talents to create such wonderful items, and then share! I'm not a crafty mama, so I share what I have- organizing and support, and others share their loves, cute printables!

The 5 habits of Highly Successful Homeschoolers, has got my mind spinning......

Earlier this week I was organizing our "learning area" and bookshelves. I came across some papers that I had printed from somewhere, and there wasn't a title page with them anymore. I decided to skim through them and figure out what it was and whether I wanted to keep it or toss it. I finally figured out it was the small book by the DeMille's, the 5 habits of highly successful homeschoolers. After I read through the introduction, I decided this would be a good read and threw it on my night stand! It caught my attention, and looked like a quick read. BOY was I WRONG!! (and honestly I should have known better, seeing that it's by the DeMille's! I mean really they don't do quick reads or mediocre thoughts!) I just wanted to ponder about a few thoughts that have hit me recently, a few ah-haw's so to speak! One thing that I loved, and I don't really have much to add, just that it really brought such a peace and yet so much enthusiasm and excitement t...