Well lately, I've been trying to organize our upcoming school season. We are going to school year round, from now on. Though we are taking off the first few weeks for summer break. I do think though that everyone, is starting to want a little more structure in our days. Well one thing I am feeling I would really like to add to our studies is a Character Training time. I know I have good kids. I also know they are just that.... kids. It seems like most of the "problems" we have been having lately, are dealing with character. I think we could all use alittle boost, in this area. It also seems like some of their character issues, are things they have inherited from me. Well I wish it was that easy, just a simple inheritance! It's not, they are learning these things from me. I too am in need of a character training session! I read a thought somewhere, it goes something like this.... that if you are not always looking for ways to better yourself, than you are only hurting others around you. {Well that's not exactly how it goes. I like it so much, I want to put it on my bathroom mirror, so I can be reminded each and every day} I am planning on purchasing the book of virtues. I have seen this book many times before, and not sure why but I've just never purchased it. I also came across this wonderful free download for a unit study to go along with this book. It has vocabulary and hands on ideas, along with {my favorite} notebooking pages. I am getting SO excited to start up our schooling again, soon!!!!
Hope this helps someone else. That is one thing I LOVE about the blogging world. There are so many great ideas passed around, and shared!
Hope this helps someone else. That is one thing I LOVE about the blogging world. There are so many great ideas passed around, and shared!
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