Here's what I made for A1... a burlap pillow ! Instead of a Monogram, since all the kids are A's {it might get even more confusing!!!} I decided to use one of our favorite hymns... "Savior Stay this night with me..." I simply went onto a my windows works, and typed it, found a cool "boy" text, and made it the size I needed for the pillow I wanted. Then I used an exacto knife and cut out the letters, painted it and sewed! He loved it. And A4 got a new fleece blanket. Nothing "special" there, I came up with some ideas, way too late to accomplish it before Christmas, so I am going to do one for his birthday. His blanket was one of the no sew ones. I took fleece, two different pieces, and cut out the corners. I cut 7 inch squares off the corners, and then every one inch you cut a 7 inch strip, then simply tie together. He didn't even notice, he only got a blanket!!!! Actually I must add a big thank you to Papa Bear, he stayed up the night before ...
a Glimpse into my life.... Home Educating, Organizing, Running a Large Family.... and LOVING IT!!!