Well in case you didn't notice, that title is said in a very loud, very frustrating scream!!!! No the A's are all behaving {as well as A's behave, that is!!} Yeah it's snowing here, and I am so done with the snow, but no that's not it either! Let me back up a bit, and start my story at the beginning. Last Monday, I was doing some wash, and we heard a large clank in the washer. Hmmm that didn't sound good, it could be anything~ REALLY! Talk about some odd items going through our washer. Tuesday morning we got up, and hit the road for a field trip. We needed to be there early... no time to do any laundry before. When we got home, I threw in a load. The machine beeped, it's ever so annoying BEEP~BEEP~BEEP! That is one thing I hate about this machine it BEEPS FOREVER!!! I instantly walked over to take out the load, and it was socking wet. There was no way it spun. So I put it on the spin only cycle, and left the room. Again, it BEEPED!!! I went in and again foun...
a Glimpse into my life.... Home Educating, Organizing, Running a Large Family.... and LOVING IT!!!