{Photo from Amazon, link below}
I found a few wonderful workbox finds, and thought I'd share!
~I came across these drawers, {pictured above} and love the look of them, the simplicity in design.. and size. I purchased two of them. {no I didn't pay that price!!}
~I also found this wonderful planning sheet at Robin's Blog, Heart of Wisdom. I love these, I printed off two. I copied them to my computer and made one for A5 in "boy" colors and one for A6 in "girl" colors. This way I can glance quickly at them to "see" who's who and what they are suppose to be doing. These are pretty simple forms, and could easily be changed or made to fit your style. I figure if someone has already done all the hard work, and is willing to share... I might as well enjoy their hard work!!! She has made them to work on her computer, I personally think better with pencil and paper. So I printed off a couple and I might laminate them and use a wipe off marker to plan our workbox week?
~Also at Robin's Blog, heart of wisdom... she shared her workbox numbers and cards to place the numbers when the drawer is completed. I LOVE the look of these!!! I printed off some, sent them through my laminator. Then I punched a hole in the tops and placed them on a key ring. I just happened to have some very cute ones that matched perfectly!!! Left over from an old chore card system we use to use. I didn't print the lifeskills or tags, just the numbers, though they are all very nicely done and very cute. However our typical day is done early enough that I don't add things like that. I like to just sit and get school done, so we can move on and have fun with free time.
~Now a trick to save on laminating, this came from Confessions of a Homeschooler. When you laminate you put two pages back to back. So the front of the page is outside on both sides. Then you send them, through your laminator. When you cut them out, you also pull them apart, so they are only laminated on the front, the side you typically need laminated, and the back is not laminated. It works great, although don't forget to change your paper to cardstock, I did that a few times, and had to laminate both sides for better support. We haven't had a problem with this, and it doubles up your laminating sheets. I love these smart ladies who share such wonderful ideas!!
WOW I just saw these labels for your supplies, these are very cute! I might have to start printing, again.
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