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Pedal Vision.... a new way to limit TV!

One of the discussion you always see or hear on the homeschool loops, websites and blogs is how to monitor television time.. well I have a new one for you!

from the associate press:

PHOENIX (AP) — Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has started a program he calls "Pedal Vision," in which inmates pedal stationary bikes to generate electricity for television sets. The bikes are customized to turn on connected TV sets once inmates at Phoenix's Tent City Jail pedal enough to generate 12 volts of electricity. An hour of pedaling equals an hour of television.

Arpaio said inmates only will be able to watch television if they choose to pedal.

He said he started the program with female inmates because they seemed more receptive.

Arpaio said the only exercise female inmates have been getting is speed-walking around the tent yard.

He said Pedal Vision gives them a reason to get moving and a way to burn calories.

You see you won't have to monitor the timer. I know children, and I am sure they might "not hear the timer" or many other things!!! So with this set up, the TV simply turns off!! Not only that, but they can have a few lessons while the family figures out how to set it up! That would be one great electricity lesson. I am sure there would be plenty of others involved. Oh and PE, that is one "class" that homeschoolers struggle with.
OH the possibilities!!!! I actually think this would be an awesome idea if TV viewing was a problem. You could even simply require the pedaling, before you would allow the TV on. If your movie is 120 minutes long, I have to have 120 minutes of pedal time first.
No Papa Bear, I am not thinking of doing this around here. I am okay with our current way!!!


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