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schedules, schedules... who wants to talk schedules??

It seems to me schedules are being talked about all over the homeschool world. On all the blogs, and yahoo groups, amongst friends and support groups. I was going to join in with everyone and attempt to write about our schedule, but then it occurred to me, honestly I would just be repeating so much of what others are saying. You see we run on a somewhat MOTH schedule. Most homeschoolers know what a MOTH Schedule is, it's very popular!! If not, let me know I can link you to a few great sites with MOTH schedules, or better yet... go to the Managers Of Their Homes website!

SO to not bore everyone with yet another MOTH Schedule, I thought I'd try to discuss a few of my thoughts on schedules.

I think that having a schedule, whether it be a strict time schedule or a laid back routine, a schedule is needed for everyone in any lifestyle. We have more of a schedule/routine! If you would like more details, please leave a comment and I can write about our schedule.

I think the first part of setting up a schedule, is to write down

A~ what you are currently doing
B~ what your dream day would go like, or what you really want to fit into the day.

I would suggest doing this on two separate pieces of paper. Then take the "A" schedule and compare it to the "B" schedule.

I know many people will say well we don't really have a schedule, but I am sure you do have some type of "natural" schedule... and that is what we are after. Even if it's not a strict time slotted schedule, you probably get up each morning and eat breakfast, then maybe after breakfast you start getting dressed and doing baths and teeth brushing. Maybe no one can go outside to play until their rooms are cleaned and okayed by mom. Whatever it is... write it down. If you don't know, then tomorrow walk around with a notebook or clipboard with a pencil and jot down what you do/did all day long. Then think, is this what we always do? If your not sure, walk around with the clipboard for 2, 3, 4 days a week if needed. Now one thing that you might try to do while writing down your "natural" schedule, is you might try to make it better than what it naturally is.... you might try to stick in some of those things that you want to do. Well, DON'T. It is very important that you figure out what you are already doing before you start trying to change it or add to it.

After you compare the two schedules, figure out what is the most important thing for you to start doing, each and everyday. For me, it might be getting dressed and combing my hair!!! {Hee, Hee, no I do that everyday, though I am sure others wonder some days!!} I would only pick maybe 2-4 items, and start doing them. Make sure that they are added to your schedule, each and every day for around 2 weeks. Then once you feel those things are stuck in stone in your daily routine, and schedule, add a few more. I personally feel this is a much better approach to changing your schedule, than to just say, we are changing our life and jumping in head first without a second thought. Taking things a few at a time, and making them routine, will be a lot easier, than trying to blend everything up and mix it all up in one lump sum... or at least that's what I think!


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