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Fruits of the Spirit Unit......

Something in the "planning stages" around here, is a family religious unit study. I am uncertain, how this will all be played out. I am sure I will have my way, and then quietly I will hear HIS voice sneaking it and telling me how to do it! I have had a very strong feeling that we need to work with the fruits of the spirit, here. I was thinking over the A's and my attitudes lately, and feel a little more fruit will do our attitudes good! Originally I was thinking of doing about one unit a month and working with the unit either daily or a few times a week. However after searching and finding so many great resources, I am thinking of doing a unit on the fruits of the spirit in general, and then spending a month on each individual fruit. Ponder and Pray, that's what I will be doing a lot of the rest of this week, into the weekend. I want it all finalized and ready to go by July, to jump start our July studies, but again it's all in HIS hands. I will let you know more as I get it all together, as for now here are a few links I have found, to ponder and pray over.

Danielle's Place~ Crafts and lessons it says it's geared K through 3rd grade.

Danielle's place~ another one, with crafts and activities.

Impress your kids~ units based on each fruit, very similar to what I am thinking.

Bible kids fun zone~ tons of crafts and ideas.

Christian Preschool Bible crafts~ cute bowl and fruit craft idea. very nice looking, older kids lessons. I read the love lesson, which speaks of finding the Greek words for love, and what was meant. Looks neat, need to investigate more.

lapbooks looks interesting, I am not a huge lapbooker, nor are my A's. it does have some nice resources.

DLTK, cute poem

Confessions of a homeschooler~ fruits of the spirit bean bag toss. You have to go to the bible section, scroll down a little ways to find it.

Homeschool Creations~ used the lapbook above, along with a few of the other resources I listed, and others, for a week long study. They used runts for their math manipulative's!!!


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