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Spelling with Virtue.

Let's just say Spelling has never been one of Virtue's favorite subjects, nor has it been something she has ever caught on to. Noble and Charity have been using Spelling Workout, which is a recommendation in The Well Trained Mind. I used TWTM in the beginning with Noble, and just stuck to what worked for him... as long as I could. Noble and Virtue learn very differently, it's black and white, complete opposites. The last few years I have been simply taking words from Virtues writings, that she spells incorrectly, and using that list to make her spelling lists. This works, but it never felt like I was "teaching" her anything about spelling. I want it to be a bit more organized, but more so importantly teaching her the rules.

I have been looking at the program All about Spelling. I am hoping to be able to get a good look at the program at our homeschool convention and curriculum sale in June. It is pricey, and I don't want to purchase it if it doesn't work any better than what I can find elsewhere or free.

Hence I am always on the lookout for free spelling programs that seem to fit Virtue. I just found this site. I will be trying it, I like the structure, she will like the songs... we'll see!


  1. My children all have different learning styles too...I think it keeps it interesting! :-)


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