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Year Round School OR School is Life....

I have mentioned here a time of two that we are year round schoolers. {I thought I already did a whole post on it, but well I don't think I did} I don't really have a schedule like others do, making year round manageable. I do have somewhat of a routine, and that works for us so far.

Sept, Oct, Nov, and typically the first 2 weeks of Dec, we school. Usually somewhere in there we take off a few days, and I try to keep it to a minimum of a week.

Then end of Dec, usually 1-1.5 weeks before Christmas we take off. Also during the entire month of Dec we have started doing Christmas School. Usually I just read a few different CHRISTmas stories, we do different advents together, and we have been the last few years making {most} all of our Christmas Ornaments. However this never goes as well as it's planned in my head, so I have never really spent the time to blog about it. Plus during the month of December, I don't typically have extra blogging time!!

Usually around the 2-3 of January we start up again. January, February, March and April we school. Typically with about a one week break somewhere in there. These breaks are not usually week longs, unless we are busy with a project or vacation. I like to take a day break here and there.

Sometime between April and May we take a few days off. If you can call off, Spring Cleaning?? We spend our usual school hours, cleaning and decluttering.

May and June we school. The public school is usually out sometime around the end of May/beginning of June. So I do {sometimes} give the A's a summer break, usually no longer than a week, though sometimes it's 2.

End of June hits and the kids start complaining of being bored!! GO FIGURE!! They enjoy their free time, but not all day long, all the time! {I believe I might of raised a few MONSTERS!!! Like their CRAZY MOM!!}

Through June, July and August. We school, but we do still have vacations, and camping trips and trips to the zoo. But we do those things all year long! I figure if Papa Bear has to work, so do we. I detest the thought of having 3 months off, and having to get everyone back into the schedule, especially Mama Bear. We usually take some time off during the summer, and again it's usually one week. If we want to do something, then we usually finish our studies first and then do it. Along with taking reading books, and things that can be done in the car along with us.

During the summer, we also usually get up, work in the yard/garden in the mornings. Usually right after breakfast, take care of morning chores and such. Last summer the kids also did their math lessons in the morning. Then they are free until around lunch time. It starts to get really hot here, and the kids are usually inside, so we use that time for our school. The beauty of this schedule is typically the toddlers are sleep at this time, so it's less stressful to get everything done, and have peace and quiet time. Then around 4 or 5 our backyard starts to get shady, and the kids usually run outside to play again. The beauty of summers is we usually are not so busy with scheduled activities, so we can run on our schedule more, than during the school year.

Also years I am pregnant or have something like that.. I try to plan a good break for just before and just after I have the baby. Typically 1-2 weeks before I have a baby, I go into a clean the house mode. Usually it involves some major changing of furniture, scrubbing of walls, sterilizing our home. Then I usually have 1 week off, when Papa Bear, takes over the role of Mama Bear. He usually schools, but he doesn't know the just of how I do it, so it's a bit more laid back. Usually 1 week after the baby I like to get things back rolling smoothly, and start back into our routine. I like to make our school routine, into life and well... life into school.

So there you have it our year round school routine, in a nut shell. The well planned day planner, has some nice attendance type calendars. This year I am going to take attendance, to see just how much school we are doing!


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