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Valiants upcoming year....3rd grade.....

Valiant has a hard time studying and staying on task. I think this might be the year, he is finally finding a reason to read, and seeing that maybe holding still long enough and putting forth enough time and practice to finally learn! He too tends to lead to the right brained learner style.
Along with our regular family lessons, Valiant will also be doing the following....

PERSONAL DEVOTIONAL~ Every morning, Valiant reads 2-3 verses in his scriptures.

MATH~ Valiant uses the Rod and Staff math. I like using this until around the 3rd level for my younger A's. It seems to work. Valiant is on level 2. I will have him also do the website.

PHONICS~ Valiant is using the Rod and Staff phonics, we call them the green books!

SCIENCE~twice a week Valiant, Peaceful and I will read through the Abeka Science Reader, enjoying God's world.

HANDWRITING~ Valiant is also using the Reason for Handwriting Series.

SPELLING~ We will see how this will work out. I have the Abeka Spelling for him to start this year.

READING~ Valiant has one read alone book, and one read with Mama Bear book to read each day. Some we read for a set time or set page, so the entire book. These are always his picks, though sometimes I make suggestions.

RELIGIOUS READING~ Valiant also spends 30 minutes after lunch each day, reading a religious book.

Along with these Valiant uses workboxes. He has 12 workboxes to do a day. I fill the extra workboxes with file folder, games, flashcards, online games or educational websites.. etc...etc..etc.


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