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the ABC's of my very own world.......

Since it's been a long while since I blogged, and figured it would be nice to start off with a bang, or at least something fun! I thought I'd post the ABC's of my online world... here goes, hope you enjoy and maybe find a new fun place to linger in cyberspace......

A~, however since I know, everyone knows that one... I'll add one more, Annie Elliott, nothing like a computer doing the word search for you! Blogger, gotta love it!

C~Confessions of a Homeschooler, again well know... so how about Classical Conversations. We are not part of their co-op but I love looking over their suggestions and ideas. We are using their memory suggestions, spelling and dictation. I love how this is laid out.

D~Delightful Learning, love seeing all her posts, she always inspires. Dean's Academy, a good friend of ours, gotta love seeing your real friends in cyber space.

E~ Ebay, gotta love them, especially for their cloth diapers! Etsy, I love homemade, and supporting the little guys., the kids love this site. FIAR love their boards, resources and such. I do hope to begin FIAR in our home, come the beginning of the new year. Flylady, a must for organization, I go there for inspiration and ideas

G~Project Gutenberg... I have a love of old books. Google, especially google maps... these help get us to most of our field trips. lots of research lately on Goat's Milk, baby number 8 decided he didn't like nursing, anymore. This is the recipe I am using, slightly altered.

H~ Higher up and Further in Charlotte Mason Style site, curriculum suggestions and ideas. Homeschool Educating Family Magazine, I love their magazine, blog and planner too, not just functional, but every so fashionable

I~Institute for Excellence in Writing, we are using their history based writing curriculum, LOVE IT! I-tunes, that's for Papa Bear, I never visit this site, but I make him download onto my Ipod too. Info Wars, if you want to be educated on the economy, government and well just about anything {controversial} you should visit this site.

J~ I love the Five J's, well they are all "J"'s! She always has the coolest links and tips! local free classifieds. Kate's kitchen, I love her Personal Pantry free recipe book download. we have used this a time or two for learning songs in sign language or ideas, scripture look up, and the kids love going to their children's site,

M~ Milestone Academy, I love this site all the suggestions and ideas, books and links. great for drill work we use it daily

N~No Greater Joy, I love to train up a child. Just started reading Created to be his Help Meet, good, so far. Nebonet, my Internet provider! Notebooking Pages, gotta love notebooking! Definitely check out their free section.

O~ Online shopping, online banking, online bill pay, online library book holds and renewals, gotta love being online!

P~Passionate Homemaking, always inspired always. Picnik, photo editing for free, sometimes it's bogged down, but for free who can complain?

Q~ Quiet Hour, not necessarily in cyberspace, but it's a time I usually get on my computer! This is for 1 hour after lunch and lunch clean up. Little guys head to naps, older kids head to their beds for some school and reading time. Love the QUIET!!!

R~Raising Olives, nothing like being in the world of another large homeschooling family! Robinson Curriculum, love the idea use many suggestions, but not all.

S~Simply Charlotte Mason, every time I look here, I am inspired. Swagbucks we are new to this but seems very interesting. Skype, we love Skype it keeps us in contact with Papa Bear when he's out of town

T~ Teaching Textbooks, I am so happy I am not trying to teach my math hater anymore!

U~Uncle Eric books, we love these books... we have learned so much from them.

V~Veritas Press and Vision Forum... love them both. We are often caught drooling over their catalogs. I have been listening to some of VF's CD's talk about inspiration., this one's for Papa Bear. I should look hear more often, as I never know what the weather will be like! If I need to know, I usually ask Papa Bear!

X~ hmm.... you know it's the hardest letter in the alphabet to teach... and I guess use on the Internet too!

Y~ You Tube, one of our families favorites... though you must be careful. Yahoo my favorite search engine, not to mention Yahoo groups, the reason my inbox is always so full and cluttered.

Z~well all I can think of is phone Zoo! We love these for free phone ring's


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