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Christmas organized.... my way!

Purchasing, well anything, for a houseful (currently of 2 adults and 9 kids) can get rather unorganized rather quickly. So I've come up with a plan! And you'll never believe it but the only necessary tools are a notebook and a pen! Simple, yet effective that's what's what I like!

So, first I must give credit where credit is due. My "idea" for presents is a take from an old friend, Christie. She mentioned the idea, and I made it my own. I've been using this theory for well over 10 years and still love it!
I purchase each member of my family 3 Christmas Gifts, a Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. Each with a meaning. Gold is their big, fun gift. Frankincense is a religious gift. Myrrh is something that is needed. Trying to bring in the 3 gifts the wise men brought for the baby Jesus. I also try to wrap them accordingly, with a solid colored wrapping of Gold, white for Frankincense and Red for Myrrh. Which makes it a lot easier to open accordingly! 

Now for how I organize this idea, simply. I write an abbreviated name for each of my children. So if my children were not all A's I could use the first letter of their names. I have used A1, A2 and so forth. Then I write 1 line with a "G". 1 line with a "F", and 1 line with a "M". After that I write 1 line with "SS" and leave at least 3 lines blank then start the next person.  "SS" stands for Stocking Stuffers. Along with that I purchase new pajamas for Christmas Eve along with a new book. Which is also wrapped the same, and given Christmas Eve. This is usually wrapped with some cute appropriate wrapping.

For those of you who are reading this, and are slightly confused, I will demonstrate. You are probably a visual learner, like me!




and so on until all are listed!

Then I simply make notes and ideas on that list. I write this in a small notebook that fits in my purse and I keep it in my purse until it's all filled out and checked off twice!

I use to be really good and try to be finished or almost finished with my shopping by Thanksgiving, however it hasn't been that way lately. Though I will be starting that again!

And that's Christmas Organized..... MY WAY! 


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