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Showing posts from August, 2013

a thought on word studies....

Yesterday I attended an awesome mentor training retreat, put on by some of the most inspiring minds I want to know!!!! Seriously!!! One thing we did was learn about word studies. Which I've know about, the how to's, the why's..... but never really have implemented them, other than my oldest did them for a while, years ago! However she had a do a word study on the word EDUCATION. So for those of you that don't know about a word study, I will give you the very simplified definition. I am sure you can get great outlines and how to's else where. Basically you take a word, like EDUCATION. Look it up in the Webster's 1828 dictionary.  fun idea is to also look it up in a current dictionary, to compare and contrast! Then Look up interesting quotes and words of wisdom from religious leaders or other wise people. Look up scriptures that relate to the word. Then reason and evaluate and come up with a personal definition. I added to mine to also look up the word in the ...

Organizing Water Cups

Don't you just hate this look on your counters? Man I do! Not only that, but they all have to be washed because who knows whose cup belongs to whom! But this, it looks so nice and neat and well organized! Now take it a step further..... We recently moved and in our transition stage from one home into another we were living with my parents. We were getting sick of trying to keep up with the cups. Whose cup is this? What color were you? We never got a good color system down. So my mom, probably in desperation and distress!! Said just use my sharpie and write their names on them!!!!  GENIUS!!!  Thanks MOM!!! We brought the cups to our new house, and we have less cup mess. Because quite frankly trying to remember who's color is whom's when you have 9 little cup users running around, becomes a bit too much, even for a somewhat organized mom!

Not a Slave to what's in fashion.....

“A true Christian must not be a slave to what’s currently ‘in-fashion,’ if he wants to train his child for heaven. He must not be content to teach them and instruct them in certain ways, merely because it is customary, or to allow them to read books of a questionable sort, merely because everybody else reads them, or to let them form bad habits, merely because they are the habits of the day.   He must train with an eye to his children’s souls.  He must not be ashamed to hear his training called odd and strange. What if it is? The time is short—the customs of this world are passing away. He that has trained his children for heaven, rather than for the earth—for God, rather than for man—he is the parent that will be called wise in the end.” - J.C. Ryle,  The Duties of Parents (19th century preacher) Oh so true. A Wise Woman Builds Her Home,  is by far one of my favorite new found blogs. It's inspiring, and educational all in one! This quote ...