Little man doing the arch!
sometimes it seems to easy to forget to be grateful in all things! Simple things too. For instance my little guy, and his love he has for his Mama!! Oh he loves his siblings, and he loves his Papa, but he truly LOVES his Mama. I know, oh I know too well how quickly he will grow and change, and that LOVE will fade, and I will miss it so. So for this moment, I will be grateful for all the love he will give, and find great joy in it..... because before I know it, I will be without so much of it!!
It's so cute how little ones can be playing so contently on the floor, having fun, being alone.... and then it's like..... well it's like how Mom's have eyes in the back of their heads, it's almost like baby's have a Mama sensor, and know when you slip into a room... just to peek at them!!!!
And even though I have a To Do List a MILE LONG! I know too well, it can wait until tomorrow or later. That I must find joy in my calling, a Mother! I must find joy in a houseful of littles, because soon, I will not hear the pitter patter of their little feet, I will not hear the giggles and screams, and I will miss it!!!!
Where Do The Children Grow
© Christy R. Dawson
When you see a smiling face
Their happiness all over the place
Singing, laughing, cries of glee,
Come they say, Play with me
The slide, the swing, the monkey bars.
Look at them close to see who they are.
Lots of races, Ready, Set, Go.
This is how the children grow.
If you watch them everyday
You'll see they learn as they play
They'll do what they see, and say what they hear.
You're their teacher though out the years.
Their ideas and thoughts in their eyes shine.
Imagination is a glimpse of their mind
When you’re not looking, don't you know
This is when the children grow.
Watch them as they learn to walk
Listen to them when they talk
Keep them safe, away from harm
Wrap them gently within your arms
Teach them to share and how to take turns.
Set good examples from which they will learn.
At home, at school, wherever they go
This is where the children grow.
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