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be not weary.....

Today as I was reading something completely unrelated to this post I thought of the following scripture:

Galatians 6:9(KJV)

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Being a mother is a lot of work. Being a mother of a large family is a lot of work. Being a homeschooling mother just adds to that load! However we do it, ALL of it, for a reason! We are doing it for, "well doing". Whatever that reason may be- it's there. And in due season we will reap from all this work, if we faint not! 
INSPIRE, IGNITE, EXPERIENCE, FIND JOY!!!! As this season, this "rough road" called being a mother will not last forever- and we will see the benefits of our struggles, our prayers- our trials. If we faint not, if we don't give up, don't give in!!! 

As we are starting a new year, and for our family a new adventure! (We recently moved, more on that later) I am feeling very inspired by this scripture. 

So inspired, that I think this may become my new "teaching" Moto!
 (Definitely printing out this cute one to place in my thinking and planning area!)

However I think that with a new year- we should take a moment to break this scripture down.

What are your areas of "well doing"?
This should be in all areas of your life. As a daughter of our Lord. As a wife. As a mother. As a home educating mother. As a home maker. As a friend. As a neighbor. As a stranger.
These are all areas that are trying. I think taking some time to reflect on these areas- and any others that you feel might be on your list. The biggest questions I will be asking myself, are. Is this something God has asked me to do? How can I make it better?
Please don't use this time to "dream" and add undue stress, but use it as a time to reflect- personally. Asking if I am doing it all as I feel is pleasing in His sight.

Next how could I "faint" or more so, how have I "fainted". Again please don't use this time to beat yourself up. Use this time to reflect, to strengthen. To find those weaknesses and refine them.

Again, I MUST STRESS... do not use this as a way to help yourself "faint". Use this as a personal time, to grow, to inspire, to better yourself, and your family.

Evaluate, Grow, Investigate, Look Deeply.

My idea is to personally journal about this scripture. How what areas are part of my life, list them. How have I been weary? How and Why are they areas of "well doing"? Make a list, of all the reasons, you do what you do! Have some of these areas already showed reaping's/blessings? List them. Now the hard part, if we faint not.... how have we fainted? Was this a short fainting or a long fainting? Can you step back and see how or why you fainted? What can be learned from this? How can I not faint, in this area, again? What are some ways to strengthen both you, and those who were effected by this fainting?

Now I am off to dig deep, evaluate, and inspire myself to be all that I can. To not be weary, and to feel strengthened.


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