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character training...

I have decided that we need to get back to our morning family lessons. YEP not sure what happened, but it ended, and we need it again! :)
I basically try to fill one hour with lessons we do as a family, yes a whole family!
I have tons of memory ideas, and read alouds- both fictional and non fictional. However the first thing we need to get on, Character Training.

Here's what I'm planning.

First I printed off  the Duggars, Operational Definitions of Character Qualities, which definitely helped my brain get going in the right direction. I also visited the LDS church website, under resources by topics for children and by topic for youth and the LDS sitemap.  I also really like the site along with anything else I might come across.

My idea is to use one topic for a 4 week stretch.

I plan to choose one hymn, and one children's hymn per week totaling 4 each for each topic.
I also plan to relate our memory work- poems, scriptures, quotes, and any speeches that I can relate.
We typically memorize 1 scripture per week. 1 poem per month, or 2 if short. 1 quote per week, and 1 speech per month. (Quotes come from anywhere and everywhere I find them! By speeches I typically mean things from history, or religious speeches to memorize)

Along with that we will "do" something with this trait every day. So this is where the websites will come in handy. Sometimes we will color or draw while I read aloud a talk, or watch a short video. If I find a fun game or activity. I will try to keep this simple, but fun.

Then during the month my children will do "family inspirements" on each of our family learning hour topics.

"Inspirements" is a term that came from our wonderful Vanguard Mentors. Basically its coming up with a way to individually take what is being learned and doing something with it. So I have a very simple list of inspirements for the children to look at, but it's not ever limited to that list. If anyone has any other ideas, then they can do it- within reason :)

 So the hymns and songs are quite easy, they will not do an inspirement on all 4 songs, unless they feel inspired to.
* they could memorize and sing or play that song. Or even simpler. learn one from the month.
* draw or do an art project, inspired by the song
*research the author or composer, history or story behind the song
*Write another verse or maybe even a completely different song, inspired from the one learned
*Write the song in their best handwriting, copywork. maybe explain some thoughts or feelings from it.

Same type of ideas for all the different areas or items we do together. Maybe research the speaker from the speech, or their reasons for that speech. Write why it's worth their time in learning it. (No, I will not accept any because Mom said to, unless it's a well written argumentative report!) The poem is always written out in their best handwriting and then they need to show it to me, for any corrections and suggestions in their handwriting. Then they are free to decorate it as they choose. They can draw, or use graphics or pictures online. Maybe re-type it and do graphic designs or boarders.

You get the picture I am sure.

Then at the end of our devotional I try to have a reflections time. Play some quite music and let the kids have some time to journal, think and ponder.

These are all ideas, and they are asked to do atleast one thing for each area we do together.

If you're still confused or looking for ideas, here is another great post about the same basic idea! After I read this, it reminded me I needed to get back in the groove!!!


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