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Showing posts from February, 2015

Flexible..... not Flaky!

I heard this today at a meeting I was at, with other homeschool mom's and youth. It made me think.... So I thought I'd share it. I also wanted to write it down, because it's one worth remembering! Food for thought, and inspiration! Homeschoolers have one great benefit they are flexible. Homeschoolers have one great fault they are flexible! This is so true! And a good thing to keep in the back of my mind! However as we all agree.... The world is our classroom! Oh, and the flakey part. One mom mentioned she'd much rather be called flexible than flaky! ENJOY!


Am I doing enough? Am I doing it just right? Did I do everything that is needed? What about her spelling? What about his handwriting? Oh their reading? And then there's the extra things, art, PE, foreign languages!!!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!!!!! The list goes on and on! BUT,, let's look at the root of all these questions..... Exactly who says what's right for your child? Is it the state? Is it the current school curriculums? No it's a personal decision that involves your Heavenly Father, you and your spouse and that particular child! NO ONE ELSE!!! So honestly all those questions can be answered by simply saying you are afraid! What are you afraid of? Having your child do and be everything that someone else's child is? Well is that the right path for your child? We were recently reading the 10 commandments as part of our daily scripture study. As we read about idols and coveting others, we started thinking of different things and ways these apply to us. One thou...

Nothing DEMANDS more attention.....

"As difficult and challenging as life can sometimes be, no challenge carries with it more meaning, nor demands more attention from parents, than that of nurturing and teaching their children." Some words for thought! (taken from Christlike Parenting) Love,

Diastasis Recti, anyone?

Do you have Diastasis Recti?? I SURE DO! Don't know what that is?  Do you have that MOMMY TUMMY ??  You know the one.... the one that everyone asks you if you are pregnant, or wants to ask, but doesn't dare! Yeah that's the one!  Well if you said yes to that question I would highly recommend you research Diastasis Recti, one of the best articles I read, about it is here....   at the whole new mommy blog.   Take the test, it's an eye opener!   After reading this, it all started clicking!   Now my nightly workout comes from FIT 2B, one of my newest favorite websites!   FIT2B   I did the recommended video tonight,  the 10 minute totally transverse workout... WOW FEELIN' IT...... But in a good way!     You know I have 1 wonderful husband and 10 wonderful blessings, if I'm not in shape, how can I keep up? How can I do all that is needed from me, day in and day out?? It's SIMPL...

Anyone else needing a little Mommy Inspiration??

When I'm having one of those days that I wonder if anything will go right. Days when I feel overwhelmed and tired. Wondering why I do all I do, and feel like my days are spent and gone, and like I'm still so far behind. When I'm having one of those days, I find extra time to spend reading my scriptures, and anything inspirational, to help me get feeling better. Another thing I truly love during those times is music! I love inspirational, easy going, religious songs, and of course hymns. I've heard this song before, but it never hit me, until a few years back I attended a homeschool support group meeting, and a youth sang this song to us. I don't think there was a dry eye in the place!   WHO YOU ARE, by Hilary Weeks has been one of my favorites lately, and here's why. (Just read the lyrics below)     I know you wonder If you'll ever have a day Where the kids stay calm, the laundry's done And the dishes are put away And sometimes you feel ...

Where have all the men gone!!??!!

Last Friday I went to our state capital to hear a session about a bill I am very interested in. As I was there, I was shocked by the following event;   I was sitting near the back, a few chairs away from one of the doors to the room. It was a packed room, very few seats left. Just as the session was beginning I started looking around the room. I enjoy watching people, so I looked around at the crowd. I noticed that the row I was seated in was all younger, probably interns, mostly male, with 2 females right next to me on the left and another male to my right. A whole family was in front of me, they came to support the bill, as it effects their family business. Then along the wall going up the wall along the walkway, was a row of older males and the usher. Just about that time, 2 ladies walked in. 1 in her 30's and 1 that was older maybe 50 and on crutches. These two ladies walked in, the usher stood to look for a seat for them. Now as the door opened everyone right around ...

Giving a little rope, when it's earned.........

Recently I was involved in a discussion about Older Youth and how to handle their responsibilities. I didn't realize that there were so many thoughts and ideas on this subject! So I thought I'd share a few of my thoughts here for those interested.   Give a little rope, when it's earned, that sums up my thoughts, pretty well.     I try to give my more mature youth more time to study and to ponder on their passions, life, relationships... the works! I say more mature, not older, not at a specific age.... but the ones who have showed their ability to use this time wisely. I am not one of those mom's who says;   at this age.... you can do this! For me, it's maturity. Some kids have it, bountifully, while some do not! It's life! (Some adults have it, some not so much! Yes that can be learning, and environment, but come on there comes a time that they should be learning those lessons!)     So in our house, we have jurisdictions, a...

I HEART Aprons!

Last week Montserrat at Cranial Hiccups, gave away an apron, and I was ecstatic when I received the email that I won! Check it out here!   I {HEART} APRONS!!!   It's SO ME!!!   I put it on this afternoon, right after I received it in the mail.   If you haven't seen her blog, yet you should go visit it!!! Inspiring, Amazing, and fun!