I have been reading Nurtured by love, by Suzuki, yes just started it! I was hit by this statement in the book: "It is a frightening fact. By no means only words or music, but everything good or bad, is absorbed." This is in his book, page 16 under the subtitle of The baby's body brims over with joy. In the story there is a gathering of families who are all learning violin by Suzuki, members of Talent Education, as he named it. This story is about one family in particular. His student is a six year old girl. She has been learning to play Vivaldi A-minor concerto. She practices it many times daily, along with listens to the music daily. She has an infant sister, age 5 months, who has also grown up on listening to the violin, and especially this specific piece of music. After the children preform, Suzuki stands to play a piece, and preform an experiment too! He begins playing Bach, and studies the baby the whole time he plays. The baby is well acquainted with th...
a Glimpse into my life.... Home Educating, Organizing, Running a Large Family.... and LOVING IT!!!