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Our favorite Language Arts Program.... and a freebie

Hey everyone, just wanted to take a moment to mention our new Language Arts Program, and may I add one of the best decisions I've made in my homeschool career.

We LOVE the Good and Beautiful Language Arts Program!  After 15 years (give or take) of homeschooling I finally found a curriculum that is the right mix of structure,  review, and phonics blends for our family. Not only that, but it's kid approved!

The following is from a recent email sent to all users of the curriculum, from the founder of the curriculum, yes a homeschool mama. This is so honestly spoken! I feel her testimony and her love for this, along with the everyday burnout and overwhelming feelings that homeschool mama's feel. We love the good and the beautiful company, and all the work they put into every sing piece of curriculum they offer. This is not something that is just thrown together or simply reproduced through the grades. This is ..... amazing!

Here's my Kindergartener, reading his read aloud.

This is a picture of my Kindergartener, passing off his spelling words.

A Message From Jenny Phillips

Dear Friends,
When I started The Good & the Beautiful, I just wanted to release this curriculum that I felt could really help homeschool parents and children. I didn't really want the "business" that would have to come with it, including a continually growing team of employees, the inventory and purchasing for over 60 items that we have printed, payroll, customer support for hundreds of thousands of users, and so on. It is not easy. So why do I continue doing it? I want to share with you what keeps me going, and I hope it will remind you of the reasons you keep going when homeschool gets hard.

Meet my son Sam:
Sam is 7 years old, and he and my other four children ARE the main reason I started this curriculum. The results of using the curriculum with him have been everything I desired for Sam. Whenever I think I can't keep the curriculum going, I think, "What I am going to use with my SAM. I have to do it!"

Meet my daughter Gracie:
When I first started homeschooling, I thought this adorable girl was going to be the death of me. She need a curriculum that didn't exist--nothing worked for her, and she often threw her pencil across the room in rebellion. I became good at ducking. When I started creating my own lessons for her that connected learning to beauty and meaning, she ate it up and blossomed. A few years later, this little lady is now so easy to teach. She has become a little author, a lover of poetry, a lover of beauty, and a huge lover of good and beautiful literature. It makes my heart sing. When I think, "Do I really have the energy to create high school language arts," I think, "GRACIE will need it. I have to do it!"

And since I've shared this with you all, you can have a freebie too!
Click on this link to get The Good and The Beautiful Book List, for Free!!!
This is only good until, 11/11/2017~ So Don't procrastinate!!!

And while your visiting the website check out all the wonderful curriculum they offer!

Why do I love this curriculum?
Let me just list a few simple things:

*It's Christian Based. The founder of the company is LDS, however she didn't include the LDS beliefs in the curriculum. She wanted to keep it Christian based, and open to anyone wanting to bring religion and righteousness into their studies. She offers free LDS supplements in the History program, I'm not sure if it's offered in other subjects.

*I love that they offer the curriculum for free upto I believe grade 5! I would not recommend printing it each year, as it's such a beautiful curriculum. It has beautiful pictures throughout, and well the cost to print it and bind it.... not even worth it! However, I loved that it's free. I did print it at the beginning of the year to try it out. How many times have you "looked" at something online, and thought THIS IS IT, I HAVE FOUND THE BEST CURRICULUM EVER!!!! Even a couple weeks, maybe even a couple months into it... YES IT'S STILL THE BEST.... until one day you find yourself regretting it!! Oh man have I done that, I've even suggested curriculum to people, and then found out it's actually not what I thought it was. With the free option, you can simple print it, or only print the worksheets to take it for a "test drive" If you don't like it.... it's ok you're not out a bunch of money!

*The phonics is taught phonetically. I know this is one of those topics amongst homeschoolers. Some feel it's the key, some don't. I feel it's important. I've actually seen the difference in teaching reading phonetically vs just letting them read. I know, atleast in my family, the struggle was worth every ounce of energy it took!!! :)

*The fact that the language arts isn't just language arts. My kiddo's LOVE that they are not only learning grammar and language arts, but also art appreciation, and geography along with some history! Multi-tasking is one of my favorite words!

*It's just as it says, good and beautiful!! I don't worry about handing a reader to a child and saying read it. I know this company has put so much time and energy into choosing the best books, art and learning available. I also love that they mix older readers or stories with more modern. There is such a beauty in the older classics, that isn't in the modern books.

*There's variety! No one wants to sit and do grammar worksheets every day! Not only variety, but review.

That's just a few of the benefits of this curriculum. We are also using the History 1 and I hope to give a review of it later, as I don't feel I've used it enough to give a good and honest review of it.

Don't forget your freebie! And even if you missed it, check out the website, the good and the beautiful and check out the free curriculum anytime (as long as they are able to offer it for free!)


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