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Fourth of July, Unit Plans


Many Americans don't even realize why we celebrate the Fourth of July. It's a sad fact of our society and educational system. 

Most Just Want to Celebrate, for any reason... just Party. 

I plan on putting together a mini unit this week 

Here's a few suggestions and ideas I found. 

These are 2 I own, and plan on using.

The Fourth of July Story

American Patriotic Primer


Learning Hand Signs to the Preamble

Constitution Writing Prompts, Worksheets and Activities

Printable Patriotic Quilt

Literature Guide, it's free with a 7 day free subscription to the site.

Independence Activities, tons of fun activities and suggestions

Patriotic Lapbook Templates

Declaration of Independence Mini Unit


Trivia Game, from IMom

Trivia Game, from Make and Takes

Stay tuned to my Instagram Account, and I'll post fun pictures and info about it there.


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