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What is there to eat??? Or NOT!!!

Remember this system??? What's for dinner??? or NOT!!!

This did not work out for us! The theory of it, still seems good, and I like the idea. Here's why it did not work for us, not to say it will not work for you. Whenever I need something whether it's in the freezer, fridge downstairs or pantry... I usually send an A to get it, and it's usually a younger A. Well those A's can remember to mark off the list, or even read the word they need. I am sure I could train them to do it, but....well I just don't feel up to it.
The second reason {and probably the one that bugs me the most} is that I don't have this list with me, at the grocery store. Making it difficult to know for sure what was on the list.

I will go back to the way I use to do it... I have a list in my Mommy journal, {aka Brain} and I keep track myself. That or it's the old standby of my memory.

However don't despair, I have a new plan for my wipe-off boards.

This is the first one I made. I divided it into sections, one for each day of the week, and then also for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I also have a small section at the bottom for notes I need for preparation. Well this seemed great and all, but we honestly only eat warm cereals for breakfast. So it seemed a waste of time to write in oatmeal, 6 grain, 9 grain, groats or mush, each day!! { I also have another idea to start implementing into our breakfast routine} Lunch is usually just sandwiches, nachos, or leftovers. We just eat simple things, and I know what we eat, I don't plan it out. I just keep those things on hand.

So I came up with a different plan. I kept the basic look, rows and columns of the grid. I erased the breakfast, lunch and dinner. The top now reads dinner. The next row reads ingredients and the third row reads prep work. I deleted the bottom part.

I mostly just plan for dinner. I write all our dinner meals on the top row on the list, and then when we eat it...I simply wipe it off! I don't have days written at the top, because sometimes I just don't feel like creamy veggie soup on Tuesday, even though that's what I had originally planned. So I just write down what I planned, and then choose each morning or the night before.
The second row is for ingredients. I like having it on my fridge and ready for me. I don't have to find my cookbook to figure out what I needed. I don't write down the amounts, just a basic list.

The last row is for prep, mostly things like soak beans, precook rice, dough that needs to be made earlier in the day to rise.

I like this idea, and it seems to be working alot better.
Now I just need to come up with another idea for our storage...hmm.....

any great tips??


  1. Melinda,
    I'm curious. How often do your kids eat during the day? Mostly your younger A's, since they seem to line up with my kids. I'm struggling with the kids wanting to graze all day, then they don't eat their meals. Then when they don't eat their meals they get hungry soon and it's created a vicious cycle of my kids snacking, not always on the best foods, and not eating their more nutritious meals. Any suggestions for me?

  2. Hmm...well the number one problem we have in this area, is Momma Bear is a snacker/grazer!! Though Papa Bear always reminds the A's the reason he has to work so hard is to feed their big bellies!!


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