For some time now I've wanted to put together a blog planner. I LOVE the idea, simply because I LOVE to organize! I also love this idea, because so often my great thoughts leave me! Seriously..... completely LEAVE ME!! I have many a great thought, however when those great thoughts are not written down, or put in to action, then the next one starts bumping them out and then before long, my great thought is, GONE. Sometimes these great thoughts come through a conversation with a friend, or family member. Sometimes they come through a question posted on an email list I read, or maybe it's one I post. Sometimes they come from my own mind. I am one of those quiet souls, whose mind is always running 100 miles an hour. Having conversations with myself, and honestly that's part of why I started blogging, just to be heard! I am also one of those people who loves to write, hates to speak! So to help me tame, the ...
a Glimpse into my life.... Home Educating, Organizing, Running a Large Family.... and LOVING IT!!!