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Showing posts from January, 2015

Blogging, and thinking....thinking and blogging!

For some time  now I've wanted to put together a blog planner. I LOVE the idea, simply because I LOVE to organize! I also love this idea, because so often my great thoughts leave me!   Seriously..... completely LEAVE ME!!   I have many a great thought, however when those great thoughts are not written down, or put in to action, then the next one starts bumping them out and then before long, my great thought is,  GONE.   Sometimes these great thoughts come through a conversation with a friend, or family member. Sometimes they come through a question posted on an email list I read, or maybe it's one I post. Sometimes they come from my own mind.  I am one of those quiet souls, whose mind is always running 100 miles an hour. Having conversations with myself, and honestly that's part of why I started blogging, just to be heard! I am also one of those people who loves to write, hates to speak!   So to help me tame, the  ...

character training...

I have decided that we need to get back to our morning family lessons. YEP not sure what happened, but it ended, and we need it again! :) I basically try to fill one hour with lessons we do as a family, yes a whole family! I have tons of memory ideas, and read alouds- both fictional and non fictional. However the first thing we need to get on, Character Training. Here's what I'm planning. First I printed off  the Duggars, Operational Definitions of Character Qualities , which definitely helped my brain get going in the right direction. I also visited the LDS church website, under resources by topics for children  and by topic for youth  and the LDS sitemap.  I also really like the site  along with anything else I might come across. My idea is to use one topic for a 4 week stretch. I plan to choose one hymn, and one children's hymn per week totaling 4 each for each topic. I also plan to relate our memory work- poems, scriptures, quotes,...

be not weary.....

Today as I was reading something completely unrelated to this post I thought of the following scripture: Galatians 6:9 (KJV) 9  And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Being a mother is a lot of work. Being a mother of a large family is a lot of work. Being a homeschooling mother just adds to that load! However we do it, ALL of it, for a reason! We are doing it for, "well doing". Whatever that reason may be- it's there. And in due season we will reap from all this work, if we faint not!  INSPIRE, IGNITE, EXPERIENCE, FIND JOY!!!! As this season, this "rough road" called being a mother will not last forever- and we will see the benefits of our struggles, our prayers- our trials. If we faint not, if we don't give up, don't give in!!!  As we are starting a new year, and for our family a new adventure! (We recently moved, more on that later) I am feeling very inspired by this scripture.  So ...