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Simple Morning Time Geography, for the whole family.....

In our Morning Time we will be reading some fun and educational picture books to begin our family geography lessons. Yes I'm just starting this now, in March.... sometimes that happens. We've been studying geography in both our Good and the Beautiful Language Arts, and also our Mystery of History Lessons, so I don't actually feel bad about this!

First up, for our World Geography.

 I decided to start with a general world geography book.
I chose

 Somewhere in the World Right Now
by Stacey Schuett. 

This book is alot of fun. It discusses different geographical areas, showing some amazing pictures. It mostly talks about the time zones and international date line. I thought that would be a nice introduction, and something we haven't really discussed a lot.

We started our week off with this beauty, on Monday.

After we finished our morning time, and headed to our school room. You see, we meet on our couches, in our family room for a lot of our morning time, especially our readings. It's simply more comfortable.
Once we get to our school room, I give everyone 1 minute to "study" the map of Europe, answer key. Then we do a one minute map drill of Europe.

I used the first 2 maps on this site.

I put them both in 1 plastic page protector, with 1 showing on each side. So they flip it to look at the answers. During the "study" time I sit with my 8 and 7 year olds, and we study together. I just focus on one area, a couple countries, until they know it well.

Next Up, USA Geography

Again I thought we should begin with a general American Geography Book, something to just hit on the United States as an area.
For this I chose

A is for America book
by Devin Scillian

sleeping bear press book.
I love these books, and will be incorporating them into our USA geography lessons.

This is planned for our Wednesday Morning Time Loop.
I am excited to share these beautiful books with my children each week.

I printed these maps for our timed USA States drills. These are done the same way as our European Map drills, described above.

My original plan was to do one picture book for a European Country a week, and 1 State a month.

I plan on using the sleeping bear press books for our USA studies, and these lend well to reading the same book for a month. I plan to read the entire book each week, then read the side notes and facts a couple letters a week to finish it by the end of the month. The amount of letters will depend on the amount of information per letter.

 I don't feel my original plan will work for the European Countries.  I feel a different picture book a week, for a European Country may get a bit overwhelming. I may try to find a fun European Atlas, or book about Europe in general, to read. I know there are many choices for that. I just need to spend some time looking.

and that's it folks....
our morning time, geography lessons. I will plan on sharing the books I use each month, most likely on my instagram account. So if you don't follow me there, go do it now!!! You don't want to miss the treasures I have, and hope to find!


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